Back in Town
Michael Baltzer, Stefanie Becker, Thomas Beisgen, Maksim Boksgorn, Antje Bromma, Nico Glaenzel, Rainer Jentsch, Jonas Kolenc, Pauline Kraneis, Manuela Koch, Axel Loytved, Frank Lüsing & Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen, Silke Marohn, Karl-Heinz Maukel, Ruth May, Almut Middel, Daniel Poller & Jan Mammey, Thomas & Renée Rapedius, Alexander Rischer, Anja Scheffler-Rehse, Ulrike Schönau, Schroeter & Berger, Harald Stoffers, Paul-Kai Schröder, Kerstin Stoll, Max Stricker, Youssef Tabti & Erich Pick, Olaf Wegner, Sabrina Weide, Michael Witte, Peter Wulf
Edited by Peter Heidenwag and Corinna Koch
With texts by Peter Heidenwag, Corinna Koch and Andreas Schlaegel
18 x 27 cm, swiss paperback
75 pages, 52 images
ISBN 978-3-86485-075-2
Textem Verlag
15,- Euro
Mehr als zu viel (Mazv) returns to Kunsthaus Hamburg with Back in Town, a continuation and completion of a series of projects and exhibitions, which has been running since 2011 in Germany and abroad.
This exhibition shows works by artists with, and without, disabilities addressing differences, similarities, associations and the definition of “outsider art” and "art brut". In the process, the observer can perhaps pose these questions: Am I someone who differentiates the works of artists between those who have and those who do not have disabilities, do the similarities interest me regardless of background, or both?
Karl-Heinz Maukel’s Network-Tornado, which arose out of the previous Mazv exhibition (in Kunsthaus Jesteburg, entitled Deep in the Countryside), has its special place in the main room at Kunsthaus Hamburg. It is at the centre of an exhibition which brings together the works of thirty-six artists inspired by the town or city and its infrastructure.
The extent to which the spatial context can become a part of the artistic mis-en-scène, and the way the artwork’s boundaries are defined are important factors here. It is also interesting to note the extent to which the spatial context becomes a part of the creative system and how the boundaries of artistic production are allowed to be defined. Hence, the question may arise as to the possibility of an aesthetic attitude or remoteness on the part of the observer.
Find more informations here: www.textem.de
Thomas Beisgen, Björn Beneditz,
Uwe Breckner, Michael Conrads,
Cordula Ditz, Rüdiger Frauenhoffer,
Peter Kapeller, Stefan Keßmeyer, Ruth May, Daniel Poller,
Stefan Ringelschwandtner,
Anja Scheffler-Rehse, Roland Schmitt,
Ulrike Schönau, Max Stricker,
Harald Stoffers, Tillmann Terbuyken,
Stefan Wepil, Edition Mehr als zu viel
Edited by Peter Heidenwag and Corinna Koch
With texts by Belinda Grace
Peter Heidenwag, Wolf Jahn, Corinna Koch and Katha Schulte
26 x 21 cm, Softcover
112 pages, 71 images
ISBN 978-3-941613-73-7
Textem Verlag
15,- Euro
MORE THAN TOO MUCH takes the principle of excess as the starting point of a curatorial approach, an excess of material formed over a period of ten years of growing structures and working processes, of a continually increasing number of participants. A tendency to abundance inherent in every work, in and of itself. Then confrontation and simultaneity become transferred to the physical space, layering of inscriptions, overwriting and mutual commentary instead of isolation of the individual parts. To deal with the phenomenon of sensory overload, this exhibition practice arranges various alignments through the rooms, which are not closed off from one another but are to be viewed in their coexistence. Because the labels that already divide up the medial space are of less interest than the correspondences between artistic methods of production in their diversity.
This book is published in conjunction with the exhibition Mehr als zu viel / More than too much presented on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Galerie der Villa at the Galerie Conradi, Hamburg 2011.
Find more information here: www.textem.de
Reflexion von Sprache bei Harald Stoffers
Edited by Peter Heidenwag
22 x 17 cm, hardcover
52 pages, 12 images
ISBN 978-3-941613-59-1
Textem Verlag
15,- Euro
Find more information here: www.textem.de
Harald Stoffers
Briefe / Letters
Edited by Peter Heidenwag
With texts by Johann Feilacher and
Jan Verwoert
22 x 17 cm, Hard cover
72 pages , 27 images
ISBN 978-3-86485-012-7
Textem Verlag
19,- Euro
Harald Stoffers' letters can be seen in various
ways. Notes of everyday dates are composed in a conceptual procedure
like musical notes on note papers. The result of a psychophysical act
is mediated in a connected surface that constitutes the body and the
material signature of Harald Stoffers.
Proceeding a game of designing his work Stoffers combines visual and
significant features of an individual language which is determined by
his own specific rules. The observer is asked to discover or even
completely reflect the use and regulation of this language. The letter
as a notebook and timetable created at different places in a certain
course is connecting modes of time and space: a model of Stoffers'
biographical story.
Book with illustrations by
Stoffers: Letters
Zusammenspiel / Interplay
Thomas Beisgen, Antje Bromma,
Anja Scheffler-Rehse, Jean Tinguely
Edited by Peter Heidenwag and
Corinna Koch
With Texts by Belinda Grace Gardner and Corinna Koch
23 x 21 cm, hardcover
56 pages, 47 images
ISBN 978-3-941613-72-0
Textem Verlag
19,- Euro
The obliteration of the boundaries between art and life is a central principle of the working methods of the artists represented in Zusammenspiel and a leitmotif of the exhibition as a whole. Accordingly, a film montage of the absurd, hybrid machine sculptures of the Swiss artist Jean Tinguely functions as a parenthesis connecting the artistic contributions of Antje Bromma, Thomas Beisgen, and Anja Scheffler-Rehse. Hereby, the curator of the exhibition, Corinna Koch, directs the viewers’ attention, on the one hand, to the playful element of the assembled approaches and, on the other hand, once more to the aesthetic-alchemical processes of transformation by means of which the fabrics of life (among these the very literal materials represented by the found objects of everyday culture as well as the virtual material of the individual imagination) are transposed into art in various manners.
This book is published in conjunction with the
exhibition Zusammenspiel
/ Interplay presented in the Galerie der
Villa, Hamburg 2009/2010.